JKSSB released exam calendar for various posts
Jammu and Kashmir Service selection board (JKSSB) Advance Notice for conduct of Examinations to various Posts, Check exam dates
The Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB) released an advance notice for conduct of Examinations to various Posts. Board released tentative exam dates for various posts of departments including Jal Shakti, Estates Department, Animal/Sheep Husbandry & Fisheries Department, Higher Education department, Hospitality & Protocol Department etc.
Information we got for an JKT — JK Tweet, JKSSB on 5th of April 2024 released an notification regarding the conduct of Examinations to various Posts of various departments.
As per official notification, “It is hereby notified for the information of aspirants/candidates that the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board(JKSSB) is going to conduct written test for various posts tentatively as per the details given in Annexure “A”, “B” and “C” of the notice.”
This is an Advance Notice for the information of concerned candidates. The exact dates along-with the schedule of downloading of Admit Cards shall be notified separately in due course of time.
The syllabus for these posts has already been notified by the Board and is enclosed in this notification released by Board today in Annexure P, Q and R.