
JKBOSE released instructions for Annual Regular exam 2024

Instructions for examinees of SSE(Class 10th), HSP-I (Class 11th) and HSP-II (Class 12th) Session Annual Regular 2024

The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education is going to conduct the Annual Regular exam of class 10th, 11th and 12th from the month of March in soft zones, session 2023- 24.

As board is going to conduct these exams from the month of March as per date sheet, Board released Instructions for examinees of SSE(Class 10th), HSP-I (Class 11th) and HSP-II (Class 12th) Session Annual Regular 2024.


  1. Write your Roll No. in the boxes on the right hand side (02 places) of the title page of the Answer Book.
  2. Use BLUE colour, ink or ball pen only.
  3. Don’t use GREEN/RED/BLACK or other inks.
  4. Disclosing of identity by writing name or any other identification mark in the Answer Booktantamount to use of unfairmeans.
  5. CROSS all BLANK sheets or blank portions of a sheet, Keeping blank sheet / blank portion(s)tantamount to use of unfairmeans.
  6. Indulging in unfairmeans and/or misconduct will lead to punishment as per Board rules.
  7. Multi functional devices are not allowed in the examination hall, However simple calculators are allowed.


  1. The answer book has 28 pages including the title and the back page. In case it has more or less pages, report it to the centre Superintendent.
  2. Using any type of unfair means, whatsoever in examination is an offence which shall render you liable to disqualification upto five years. The following actions are deemed as offence, punishable under prevention of unfair means Act. :
  • a) Writing name or name of school/College/Examination centre or making any type of marks any where in the answer book to disclose identity; or
  • b) Possessing and or keeping accessible in the examination hall any paper, note book or any other material (hand written, printed or recorded) related ic examination; or
  • c) Tearing any page of the answer book, possession of any study material/paper (handwritten, printed or blank), impressions recorded on part of the body/card board or leaving page(s) blank in between answers.
  • d) Possession of high tech gadgets like mobile phones, transmitter pens, Bluetooth headsets etc.
  • e) Smuggling of answer books/question paper or leaving examination hall without handing over the answer book to the superintendent.
  • f) Having any marks or impressions recorded on any part of the body/apparel or furniture, etc, which can be used to write answers, or
  • g) Helping a fellow examinee for receiving guidance from any other candidate or any person to write answers, or
  • h) Disobeying instructions of the centre superintendent or any member on supervisory staff; or flying squad; or
  • i) Creating disorder or disruption in or around the examination hall; or
  • j) Arranging impersonation, misbehaving with examination staff.
  • k) Carrying weapons in or around the examination hall.
  • l) Using any other pen except Blue pen.
  • m) Taking examination from a centre other than the one allotted; or
  • n) Changing seat in the examination hall without permission; or
  • o) Leaving examination hall without handing over the answers book to the centre superintendent or his deputy; or
  • p) Making appeal in the answer book for pass marks; or
  • q) Arranging impersonation or misrepresenting any other candidate in the examination; or
  • r) Misbehaving with officer-in-charge examination in or outside the examination hall; or with flying squad, or
  • s) Carrying weapons in or around examination hall; or
  • t) Indulging in any other type of unfairmeans; is an offence and shall render you liable to disqualification for one to five years from appearing in any examination In case an unfairmeans case is framed and student is issued second Answer book same shall be taken by the candidate without any resistance required form be filled up otherwise case will be compounded with misbehavior along with the unfairmeans. Where the punishment shall be do or more.
  1. Please also note that all examinees may be frisked by the Superintendent, Invigilators, Inspectors and the members of the Vigilance Squad of Board of School Education during the conduct of examination.

Download PDF, Instructions for examinees of SSE(Class 10th), HSP-I (Class 11th) and HSP-II (Class 12th) Session Annual Regular 2024

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M H Zain

As a dedicated writer for the JK Tweet, I cover news updates from school boards, organizations, and universities.

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