Class 11thImportant QuestionsJKBOSE

JKBOSE Class 11th Biology Guess Paper, session 2024

Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) class 11th biology important questions/Guess paper for Annual Regular exam 2024.

Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) class 11th biology important questions/Guess paper for Annual Regular exam 2024.

JKBOSE Class 11th Biology has two parts, Botany and Zoology. We have provided important questions seperately for both Subjects, Botany and Zoology.

The class 11th Biology question paper is based on 70 marks.

JKBOSE 11th Class Botany Important Questions.

  1. . Explain Binomial nomenclature, Botanical Garden, museum.
  2. . What are the criteria for 5 kingdom classification. Give its merits and demirits.
  3. Write down the general characters of archeabacteria, Protista, Algae, Bryophyta.
  4. Explain alternation of generation.
  5. Give an account of Modifications of Root and stem
  6. Explain briefly Phyllotaxy, Venation.
  7. Give an account of Flower structure, placentation, aestivation, seed types.
  8. Give an account of family fabaceae.
  9. Differentiate between Meristematic and permanent tissues.
  10. Explain T. S of Dicot root and monocot stem.
  11. Give an account of Secondary growth in Dicot stem.
  12. Define the terms: Lenticel, bark, stele.
  13. Explain Osmosis, Osmotic pressure and water potential.
  14. Give an account of transpiration pull theory.
  15. Give an account of mechanism of opening and closing of Stomata.
  16. Explain Biological N2 fixation, nitrification, Ammonification.
  17. Explain Hydroponics, macro and micronutrients differences.
  18. Explain Glycolysis, fermentation, krebs cycle and RQ.
  19. Give an account of various photosynthetic pigments.
  20. Explain Photophosphorylation, Photorespiration.
  21. Differentiate between C3 and C4 cycle.
  22. Give an account of physiological roles of Auxin, GA and ethylene.
  23. . Explain photoperiodism.
  24. Differentiate between Absolute and relative growth.

JKBOSE 11th Class Zoology Important Questions.

Q1: General characters of Phylum Cnidaria, Annelida, Arthopoda, Mollusca and Chordates.
Q2: Structure and Function of Mitochondria, Chloroplast and Golgi bodies.
Q3: Fluid Mosaic Model.
Q4: Difference between Mitosis and Meiosis.
Q5: Classification of enzymes.
Q6: Nervous and connective tissues.
Q7: Cockroach.
Q8: Physiology of digestion, in alimentary canal.
Q9: Transport of gases.
Q10: Mechanism of breathing.
Q11: Structure of Nephron.
Q12: Urine formation.
Q13: Axial Skeleton.
Q14: Muscle Contraction and sarcomere, myasthenia-gravis
Q15: Structure of neuron.
Q16: Nerve Conduction.
Q17: Spinal Cord and cerebrum
Q18: Composition of Blood.
Q19: Structure of heart and Cardiac cycle.
Q20: Pituitary gland, Adrenal gland and Thyroid gland.
Q21: Hormone Action.

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M H Zain

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