Daily Tips

How to start Effectively study 12 hours a Day

Effectively study is now days very hard due to the lot of destruction which are available in our day to day life. Every student want to study effectively to perform well in there exams either He/she is school student preparing for there class exams or college student preparing for there semester exams or students who are studying for any competitive exam. Due to lot of destruction in environment students are not able to study effectively.

As per Research if students study only for 6 hours effectively is much better then study 12 hours un effectively. From the beginning it’s impossible to study 12 hours a day. You have to start with slowly like at the first day study only 6 hours and next day study 8 hours and continue the same process.

Study is important but not more then your health, if health is good you can study well and effectively. Sleeping well, Healthy food and mindful rest is an important for an student. So, make sure to give your first preyorty to health then other things.

If you start studying effectively in happy mood you can study well and relax your mind too. Now days studying hard and smartly is very important due to an huge compitition in every department. Always motivate your mind, study to learn something not crack any exam or compete with someone.

In this blog I have covered all the tips with the help of which you can study effectively and manage your mental health, physical health and your eating habits.

So let’s start with the 7 best effective tips with the help of these tips you can study effectively.

1. Time management.

Time management in Students life is very important and helpful for student. When you start doing everything in diciplaned manner. You and your mind will satisfy. To manage your time firstly make your general daily schedule.

  • General Daily schedule: In this schedule, note down all the things which you have to do in the day, which includes Study time, Sleep time, Breakfast time, Lunch time, dinner, Sports/Jogging/Jim time and Relaxation time etc. When you make an schedule of all these things your mind will relax and feel better as the mind knows what he have to do in upcoming time.
  • Study schedule: To make your life more relaxed and happy make an separate schedule for study which follows your general schedule. As you are an student means you are preparing for some special class, semester or course. Check Syllabus of your class or semester or course and make an list, which subject is hard and make list from very hard to easy. Then distribute time as per hardness level of that particular subject.

One tip, when you start studying at morning start with easy subject which is easily understandable. This will boost your mental power and motivate your mind to study more and more.

Remember to give breaks in between your study schedule. Break is very important for your mind relaxation. Only 15 Minutes break is enough for your mind to relax and to start new task. Depending upon your mood and subjects you can increase this break but don’t give break of more the 30 mins.

In the break don’t open any social media application or any other destructive application. In the break, you can listen calm music or you can go outside in park or any other relaxing place. Try to avoid destruction which can break your study mood. One tip, don’t try to stay alone for more more time. Always try to be socialize, which will help you to break digital habbits and stop you from doing bad things.

It’s is an very important when you are in break, always remember the next task/subject which you have to study. This will help your mind to get ready and be motivated for the upcoming task.

2. Set Clear Goals:

If you have to study more effectively, you have to set the goals like what you will became after studying this. While studying the particular class or semester or course set shirt term and long term goals.

  • Short term goals: As an student, you must have to appear in exams. If you’re an school student set an goals to score good in the class and get best grades in particular subjects or if you are an college or university student, set goals like how much I have to study for this semester and when I should cover whole semester syllabus. Make your mind clear that you have to study hardly and smartly to perform good in this semester.
  • Long Term Goals: If you want to study more effectively and positively you have to set long term goals like if you are an school student set goal to get admission in best universities by getting better grades in classes. And if you are an University student set goals to get your dream jobs and study hard to perform best in semesters so you can get your dream Job.

3. Create and Productive Study environment.

Human mind always want satisfaction from environmental things to perform it’s best. For example when you are in garden or anywhere in natural place, our mind satisfies by understanding the surroundings and gives a body relaxed and happy vibe that environment is good and beautiful, So you also feel happy and relaxed.

In the same way the room where you study is like the garden for your mind, if your room, Study place is clean and beautiful, your mind will feel happy and motivate you to start studying.

To create study environment in your room, add stationary and study related things into your room. Try to find a study space were you don’t have lot of noise or destructions. Make yourself comfortable before studying.

To make your study space more accurate for study Minimize distractions and interruptions. Put your phone away from your disk for time and timer you can buy physical clock which will not distract your mind and will motivate you study more.

Either turn off your phone or put it into DND mode so you can’t get destructed by notifications and online stuff.

Make sure that you have all necessary material available in physical form. Try to avoid digital screens as much posible.

4. Effective study Techniques.

Always do smart work not hardwork. When you are studying make short simple notes which will energies your mind more. When you make short notes your mind will understand that he is doing something important, so it will increase focus on study.

Drink water while studying, it will hydrate your body make you feel more energies and active. Drinking water is one of the best habit in life cause human body is made up of 70% water. So water is very important for healthy life.

Also maintain a balanced diet to increase your concentration in study and feel healthy and active for the day. Balanced diet is also important for an healthy life.

If you have to stay active and energetic though out the day. Make sure to sleep well. For an Adult around 8 hours of Sleep is important for an energetic day. To study more effectively make sleep schedule of around 8 to 9 hours.


Studying 12 hours from the beginning is almost impossible but by the following above tips you can start studying more effectively 6 to 8 hours a day. And you can increase this time as you follow your schedule more actively. While studying try to make habits like Drinking water etc.

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M H Zain

As a dedicated writer for the JK Tweet, I cover news updates from school boards, organizations, and universities.

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