JK NewsWeather

Eid weather forecast for J&K

Here is an Weather forcast for upcoming 6 days including eid day weather forecast

Here is an Weather forcast for upcoming 6 days including eid day weather forecast.

07 April:
Mostly dry weather is expected. A short thundershower is possible in a few areas towards late afternoon/evening.

08 April:
Dry weather is expected.

09 April:
Dry weather is expected.

10 – 11 April:
Light showers, or a moderate shower, are possible, especially on 11 April.

12 April:
Mostly dry weather is expected. A short thundershower in a few areas can’t be ruled out.

A moderate intensity Western Disturbance may impact Jammu and Kashmir from 14 April onwards (55% chance).

Forecast Insights: Kashmir Weather

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M H Zain

As a dedicated writer for the JK Tweet, I cover news updates from school boards, organizations, and universities.

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