JKBOSE 12th class computer science previous year papers
JKBOSE Class 12th Computer Science Annual Regular 2023 UT J&K, Question Paper with paper pattern, Download PDF
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education is going to conduct the Annual Regular exam of class 12th Computer Science for session 2023-24. Here is an last year paper of Computer Science, conducted by JKBOSE in soft zone areas of UT J&K.
The Question paper is divided into 8 sections pertaining to 8 units respectively. Total time of exam is 3 hours and has total 8 Questions with parts to all 8 Questions.
The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education Annual Regular, session 2022-23 Question Paper.
Section 1:
This section has 1 main question and with 6 parts. Out of 6 parts, first part is long answer type question with 4 marks and OR has given to this question. Then the next 2 questions are short answer type questions and has 3 marks to each question. Then 1 question with 2 marks and remaining 3 questions are multiple choice or objective type or fill in the blank or true false questions with 1 marks to each question. So, the total marks to this section are 15 marks.
Section 2:
Section 2 has only three questions, one 3 marks questions, 1 very very short answer type question and has 1 marks and 1 objective type question also has 1 marks. So the total marks to this section are 5.
Section 3:
Section 3 pattern is same as Section 2. It also has total 3 questions. The first question has 3 marks and remaining two questions have 2 marks, 1 marks to each question. In these two questions, 1 question is very very short answer type question and 1 is objective type question. This section also has total 5 marks
Section 4:
This section is also same as previous two sections. Total 3 questions, 1 question with 3 marks and two questions with marks to each and has total 5 marks.
Section 5:
This section has total 4 questions, Question 1 has 4 marks and also has OR to this question then question 2 has 3 marks and question 3 has 2 marks and at the end 1 objective type question with 1 marks and the total marks to this section are 10.
Section 6:
Section 6 pattern is same as Section 5, contains 4 questions and question 1 has 4 marks with or given. Question 2 has 3 marks and Question 3 has 2 marks and 1 objective type question with 1 marks and total marks to section 10.
Section 7:
Section 7 has also same pattern as section 6 and 5. It has 4 questions, question 1 has 4 marks with OR given, question 2 has 3 marks, question 3 has 2 marks and last objective type question with 1 marks and total 10 marks to the section.
Section 8:
Section 8 the last section of the question paper has total 4 questions. Question 1 has 4 marks and has OR option in question. Question 2 has 3 marks and question 3 has 2 marks. The last question of the section is objective type question and has 1 marks. The total marks to this section are 10 marks.
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JKBOSE 12th Class Computer Science Annual Regular 2023 UT J&K, Question Paper, Download PDF